Kuxin Ayurvedic Cough Syrup-200ml | nirmalbioherbal
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Kuxin cough Syrup is a completely natural Ayurvedic cough syrup containing natural ingredients that have been used in Ayurveda to treat cough. Kuxin cough syrup is an Ayurvedic cough syrup that gives results without any side effects. It is one of the safest Ayurvedic Medicine for cough and other respiratory problems. It possesses anti-inflammatory properties. Apart from being a reliable Ayurvedic cough syrup, it helps people who have a sore throat and are experiencing early symptoms of the flu. This Ayurvedic medicine for sore throat enables you to get relief from a variety of allergic symptoms that cause any type of respiratory discomfort.

This Ayurvedic cough syrup  can be used by children also since it is loaded with antioxidants. The Ayurvedic medicine for cough and sore throat is formulated with potent herbs that enable it to be powerful in clearing the airway passage so you can breathe easily and feel better. If you are on the lookout for a cough medicine Ayurvedic then Kuxin cough syrup is a great natural option. It is often called the best Ayurvedic medicine for cough and cold since it helps alleviate all types of irritations associated with cough and cold. It helps strengthen the body’s immunity and helps to clear all three doshas.



Naturally occurring ingredients are used to make this Ayurvedic medicine for cough that is ideal for both adults and children. It does not have any sedative effect and therefore there is no resultant drowsiness. Kuxin cough is prescribed in Ayurvedic medicine for  cough since it incorporates Vasa that is a time-tested herb for respiratory ailments. The ingredient Kasamarda is a traditionally used bronchodilator and expectorant while Bharngi and Sunthi help to tackle allergic rhinitis, sore throats, and bronchitis. In combination with the rest of the herbal ingredients, Kuxin cough is your choice of Ayurvedic cough syrup.

Ingredient list

Kuxin cough is an Ayurvedic medicine for cough and cold that works from inside. It helps clear all cough, cold, and sore throat symptoms and is beneficial for healing allergy symptoms as well. The formula for this Ayurvedic powerhouse consists of various potent ingredients. Three of the ingredients along with how they help are described below.

Vasa (Adathoda vasica)

  • Balances Kapha and Pitta Doshas
  • Is used in Ayurveda as an anti-allergic, anti-bacterial, anti-microbial, anti-viral, antiinflammatory and anti styptic


Somlata (Ephedra Gerardiana)

  • Somlata is used as a swasahara in Ayurveda.
  • It is very effective for respiratory problems such as colds, asthma, and bronchitis.
  • The chemical compounds present in Somlata helps to get rid of mucus and provides relief from nasal congestion.


Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra)

  • Liquorice or Mulethi is a common ingredient in Indian kitchens
  • This is one among the group of 10 herbs called the Jeevaneeya Gana (10 herbs) which have anti-ageing properties.
  • It is found to have a soothing effect on the throat and is used in formulations for a sore or hoarse throat.
  • It is also a part of the Varnya group of herbs that are good for the skin.
  • It is one of the Ayurvedic ingredients that is believed to reduce blemishes and spots on the skin. It is a Kandhugna herb that relieves skin itching making it a part of Ayurvedic treatment for Eczema and Psoriasis.
  • It is a multipurpose ingredient helpful in the formulation of Ayurvedic medicines as an antiinflammatory, antioxidant, anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, anti-arthritic, analgesic, and antacid.
  • It pacifies the Pitta and Vata Doshas.
  • Its beneficial effect on both testosterone and estrogen makes it useful in treating prostate troubles as well as menopause issues.


Ustukhuddus (Lavandula Stoechas)

  • Is used to pacify cough, allergic rhinitis, cough, cold, tumour, gout, abdominal tumour and asthma in Ayurveda
  • Balances the Kapha and Vata Doshas
  • Support good digestion


Sunthi (Zingiber officinale)

  • Ginger supports the digestive fire Agni.
  • It is hot in nature.
  • It is an important component in traditional Ayurvedic syrup for cough.
  • It calms the Vata Dosha and balances Kapha Dosha.


Giloy (Tinospora cordifolia)

  • Balances Kapha and Vata Dosha
  • It is useful in building up the immune system and the body's defense against infections.
  • Antioxidant and antipyretic


Tulsi  (Ocimum sanctum)

  • Tulsi is rich in Vitamin C and zinc.
  • It acts as a natural immunity booster and keeps infections at bay.
  • It has immense anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties which protect us from a variety of infections .
  • Tulsi leaves extract increases the T helper cells and natural killer cells activity, boosting the immune system
  • Camphene, cineole and eugenol present in Tulsi help reduce cold and congestion in the chest.


Banafsha (Voila Odorata)

  • It gives relief in congestion of lungs, cold, cough, difficulty breathing, fever, bronchitis, and another cough-related respiratory ailment.
  • It helps in sore throat and swollen glands.


Munakka (Vitis vinifera)

  • Munakka is effective in balancing Vata and pitta doshas in the body.
  • It is effective in dry cough and respiratory tract inflammation due to its cough suppressant and soothing properties
  • Balances Kapha and Pitta Dosha


Saunf (Fennel)

  • The high amount of phytonutrients present in fennel seeds helps to clear sinuses.
  • These tiny seeds offer bronchial relaxation that helps to reduce symptoms of asthma, bronchitis and congestion.



Adults-10ml  twice daily after food. 

Children Below 15 Years- 5ml twice daily after food.

Not Recommended for infants below 5 Years of age.


Size: 200ml      MRP: ₹198

Kuxin Ayurvedic Cough Syrup-200ml

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