Sangini | nirmalbioherbal
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“Sangini” is a powerful liquid formulation of Ayurvedic herbs, and act as a rejuvenating & nourishing female uterine tonic for women that is used for the treatment of all gynaecological disorders and female reproductive health problems.

“Sangini” helps to promote the overall health of women and uprooting the ailments which every woman undergoes throughout her lifetime. It is a beneficial medicine for all gynaecological disorders like premenstrual syndrome (PMS), leucorrhoea, amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, early stages of PCOD, early stages of endometriosis and post-menopausal syndromes.

“Sangini” helps to strengthen the uterus, improves ovarian function & reproductive health, provides relieves in menstruation difficulties & excessive bleeding, reduces pain during period, cures leucorrhea (white discharge), regulates & supports the female hormonal system.

“Sangini”, a renowned Ayurvedic tonic for women, promote the overall physical and mental health in all stages of life. It helps to improve digestion & immune system, treats anorexia, relieves constipation & abdominal cramps.


  • Treats Gynecological Disorders
  • Improves physical and mental health
  • Relieves in painful & excessive uterine bleeding
  • Treats pre & post-menopausal syndrome
  • Supports in balancing female hormones
  • Improves digestive health & strengthens immunity
  • Promotes a comfortable & regular menstrual cycle
  • Cures leucorrhea (white discharge)
  • Rejuvenates & nourishes the reproductive system
  • Treats Infertility & increase libido power
  • Relieves constipation & abdominal cramps
  • Treats anorexia
  • Improves vigor and vitality


Useful in:

· It helps stimulate normal ovarian functions

· It assists in balancing menstrual flow, hormones and emotions and also maintains optimum hemoglobin level

· It normalizes vaginal pH

· It regulates normal growth, sexual development and reproductive function

· Pain relief during menstruation

Helps in Leucorrhea disease


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